At our core, Analog Brewing was created by two nerdy friends of vastly different background and creeds. Our goal is to create a space where we can celebrate everyone's own unique values and weirdness without fear of discrimination. We believe that fostering a safe place to work and play is important not only to our community but to ourselves as ethical employers.
Discrimination and abuse of any sort are not welcome. It is expected of everyone: ownership, staff and customers alike to uphold this basic standard.
These polices applies not only to our employees, but to the vendors and partners who we collaborate with and also the customers who spend time in our taprooms.
Customer service is important to us, but will not be delivered at the expense of our staff or other patrons safety and wellbeing.


Analog is committed to providing a safe space,
inclusive of all by:

Enforcing a zero tolerance policy towards unwanted, discriminatory and abusive language and actions on the basis of race, gender, religion,  gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, lifestyle, or any other criteria which does not align with fulfilling our Value Statement to foster a welcoming environment for groups and community members to organize and gather.
Management, staff, vendors and customers are expected to respect this or be asked to leave.

We are commited to ethical practices in business.

We aim to work within the AGLC guidelines to play fair and equitable within the craft beer industry.

We will not engage in any form of inducement, keg deals, kick backs, or bribery.
We believe that the value and quality of our beer should determine our success, and not how far we are will to break or bend the rules in order to win at all cost.

Analog is committed to continue improving by:

  • Seeking opportunities for further education.
  • Continuing the conversation and participating in ongoing industry and community dialogue.
  • Encouraging feedback when we can improve and being accountable for the work/change required.


Any individual with information regarding a violation of the above Values Statement or Commitments, should report (anonymously, if they wish) to [email protected], [email protected] or by calling Bryan Launier directly at : 587-990-9584